How PayTeck Works
The PayTeck electronic keypad controller system is a compact device the
size of a deck of cards that contains all the necessary software to operate the system.
Its counterpart is a portable, hand-held exclusive LCD Link unit. The LCD Link replaces
the need for any expensive software of computer. This allows complete control and
programming/reprogramming at the dealer location. The LCD Link functions as a computer
screen, is portable and requires no external power. With the PaytTeck controller in place
in the vehicle, all customer terms can be programmed into the system right at the point of
sale by the LCD Link in a matter of seconds. Eliminating the customer having to wait for
installation. Payments can be made in person, by mail or called in with a credit card
number. Payment may be optionally recorded in the PayTeck computer software system. After
each payment, the customer receives a new five-digit number to enter into the keypad. This
number activates the vehicle for another payment period. To help a customer keep track of
the payment schedule, the controller allows the customer to check the number of days until
the next payment is due by entering the code CLR 3 into the keypad, and the controller
will flash and beep the number of days until the payment is due.
The controller has a one-time-per-payment Emergency Code CLR 911. Should the customer miss
a payment and the controller shuts off the vehicle, this number can be entered into the
keypad to restart the vehicle. A payment must be made at this time in order to get the new
code for the next period. The controller has its own computer battery as a back-up. If the
vehicle battery should die, the controller will continue to operate. Your anti-theft
security system remains intact and payment information is kept up-to-date. The controller
operates on a twenty-four hour clock. Should the customer miss a payment, the vehicle will
be disabled at a time when it is least likely to be in use ( i.e. 4:00 a.m.). Shut down
times can be adjusted to suit your customer.
(Only needed for large large multi lot operations) The PayTeck software system is
compatible with all Internet compatable computers. It provides daily and weekly reports that
monitor customer payment schedules, providing important management decision-support
information. When a customer makes a payment, the information is entered into the software
system, generating a two-part report, one for the customer and one for the dealer. The
customers name and address appear with the new five-digit vehicle activation code
and number of payments made to date. The dealer has the option of just viewing the code on
the computer monitor. The customer section is designed in a mailable format for easy
Why Your Customers Should Want PayTeck
With every payment your customers receive a valid dealer credit receipt to rebuild their
credit for the future. Solid credit makes it possible to trade up to newer models at lower
interest rates and longer terms.
PayTeck also operates as a security system to protect your customers investment. For
a minimal cost to the customer, the Security Plus feature serves as an
anti-theft device. With an electronic keypad controller system installed in the car or
truck, it is a visual theft deterrent. Only the customer can operate the vehicle by using
the assigned three-digit PIN Number. The PIN can be changed at any time. With the final
payment, the security system can be purchased or removed, each for a separate fee.
With PayTecks anti-theft security system in place,most states offer up to 20%
reduction in comprehensive vehicle insurance.
This system is completely customer operated. There are no special keys or cards to carry.
The unit is installed directly into the vehicle and is as consumer-friendly as any ATM.
The electronic keypad controller is warranted for six months (parts & labor). For an
additional twelve months, PayTeck will replace any unit with a factory defect for $50.
Customer pays the shipping and installation costs To increase your sales, improve your
accounts receivables and return the responsibility of timely payments to the customer,
call us today.
©2000-2018 Pay Technologies, LLC.